Charter Communications is planning on changing the City of Benson’s television and internet service to an all-digital
Periods of heavy snow Wednesday are falling across much of central and southwest Minnesota. Snowfall reports of up
Lincoln Pahl (31) and other members of the “Seniors” team celebrate a 29-24 halftime lead during the basketball fundr
Babies will once again be delivered at the Swift County-Benson Hospital when all the necessary pieces fall into place
Last October, the Benson City Council voted to give property owners in the city who have erected fabric shelters unti
As parents living south of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) tracks were getting ready to pick their children u
Republican Tim Miller will get another chance to unseat incumbent Democratic-Farmer-Labor Rep.
Starting in July, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) will be milling down 11 miles of Minnesota Highw
February 14 the Minnesota Department of Revenue was in Swift County to evaluate the operations and practice of the Sw
Minnesota Department of Transportation crews tried to repair potholes in U.S Highway 12 (Atlantic Avenue) Monday.
Icy roads forced Benson schools to close for the day, though with the warming temperatures, the conditions are slowl
Fire calls up slightly in 2013
For one Minnesota family, the current session of the state Legislature has one issue before it that rises above all o
The Humane Society of Swift County has received several dogs in a new push to re-home animals from the Pine Ridge Ind
For more than 20 minutes last Thursday frustrated drivers sat at Benson’s three downtown intersections as a Burlingto
Swift County is committing $50,000 toward a proposed veterans home to be built in Montevideo.
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