Swift County will contribute $13,333 toward the cost of constructing a helipad two blocks west of the Swift County-Be
Work to convert the former Kinder-Morgan propane tank facility from one that once supplied by pipeline to one supplie
The Lady Storm ran into some tough teams at the Willmar Invitational, Friday and Saturday as MBA fell to Long Prairie
Benson High School was awarded $25,000 from State Farm through the “Celebrate My Drive” contest. In the picture abov
February will see an international snowmobile race pass through northwestern Swift County as participants near the en
As part of an extensive renovation and expansion project at Benson Public Schools, the board of education is proposin
Author Aurora Whittet grew up in Benson “as a wild red-haired child in Minnesota dreaming up stories for her friends
Voters went to the polls tuesday in Benson and throughout the state to cast ballots for local and statewide candidate
With only a few days to go, Benson Schools is in the top 10 of the Celebrate My Drive contest, sponsored by State Far
To pay for $440,000 in water and sewer utility work done this year and to finance the $450,000 construction costs fo
When Swift County residents go to the polls Nov.
Possibility low, but preparation essential
Monday night Benson’s City Council unanimously rejected a petition that had been submitted in opposition to an amendm
Congratulations to all 4-H members that participated in the Swift County Fair to make it a successful event.
Opponents of a proposed City of Benson ordinance addressing blighted and dilapidated residential properties presented
For the past several months the Swift County-Benson Hospital Foundation has been researching the possibility of build
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