Friday night a line of severe thunderstorms swept through western Minnesota bringing damaging winds, hail and heavy r
Copper levels in Benson’s water supply have tested at a level requiring action by the city to notify its citizens at
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health has lifted its quarantine of the final three of seven Swift County turkey farms
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued an air pollution health alert for the northern two-thirds of
Two women in their 80s have died after their 2014 Buick LaCrosse collided with a 1984 Ford recreational vehicle at a
Monday night’s presentation of the Swift County-Benson Hospital audit for 2014 confirmed what governing board members
If you've wondered why the sky is such a strange color today, the National Weather Service in Grand Forks has an
Eligible producers may now formally enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) progr
Dan Gunderson Minnesota Public Radio
By Kent Thiesse Farm Management Analyst & Vice President MinnStar Bank Lake Crystal
Benson’s annual Kid Day King and Queen selection process will be a little different this year with no interviews cond
Frustrated with the lack of recruitment of new doctors for Benson and facing mounting financial losses, the Swift Cou
The Obama administration is proposing to reduce the overall amount of ethanol blended in the nation’s gasoline in com
Editor’s note:
When the Benson Area Chamber of Commerce announced last summer that it would no longer be sponsoring or working on co
The Garden’s Growing Wild for Our Community project is in its fourth season.
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