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Farmers filing suits against Syngenta

Farmers in the area are likely to be invited to a meeting in the near future and asked to join a lawsuit against one

Amazing Race show premiere in Benson

Bergen Olson can’t tell you yet if he won the $1 million prize offered to the winning couple of the 26th episode of C

As corn prices fall, Minnesota farms worry

By Mark Steil
Minnesota Public Radio

First farm program deadline Feb. 27

The deadline to finalize decisions on base acre reallocation and updating payment yields at local Farm Service Agency

School to seek voter approval for $18.2 million bond

District 777’s Board of Education unanimously voted to seek voter approval May 12 for an $18.2 million facilities imp

Icy roads cause two-hour delay for Benson students

Benson schools started two hours later Tuesday morning due to icy roads throughout western Minnesota.

USDA creating more bird habitat areas on irrigated farmland

The Conservation Reserve Program now will encourage more bird habitats to be established in irrigated farmland region

Prairie 5 has rejected a request by the City of Benson

Prairie 5 Community Action Council has rejected a request by the City of Benson to consider taking over dispatching s

Facilities improvement project planning moving along

The District 777 Board of Education is set to meet again at 5:30 p.m., Thursday in the senior high library to continu

Miller wants local school boards to be given more power

As one of his first actions as a new member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Tim Miller, R-Prinsburg, is au

BHS indoor pool stays as facilities project takes shape

Benson High School’s indoor swimming pool will stay.

SFA meeting set for Milan Saturday

The Western Chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association has set its annual meeting for Saturday at the Milan Commu

Revisions to the blighted property ordinance

As it moves toward trying to adopt an ordinance to address blighted properties in the community, the Benson City Coun

Board of Education conducts public meetings for proposed facilities improvement project

The District 777 Board of Education held a pair of public meetings last week to discuss the proposed facilities impro

Humane Society of Kandiyohi/Meeker and Swift Counties

Ring in the New Year with a new pet!  Meet Malcom, Malcom is a neutered male, adult, Siberian Husky.

Below zero night gives way to sunny warmup

Despite a below zero night the next six days in our area will be blessed with a constant warmup.

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