Tiny Moving Parts slowly gaining national recognition

Taking a break from touring and working on a new album in the studio, the band members of Tiny Moving Parts were relaxing at home in Benson earlier this month. It was a brief respite before heading back on the road to promote their new album.
Two of band’s members are Matt and Billy Chevalier, the sons of Mark and Dorothy (Mattheisen) Chevalier who farm just east of Benson. The third member is Dylan Mattheisen, the son of Michael and Beth Mattheisen of Benson. Billy is a 2008 graduate of BHS while Matt and Dylan graduated in 2009.
Tiny Moving Parts was first featured in the Swift County Monitor-News in July 2008 after the band had won the 8th Annual Radio K Underage Underground band competition at lst Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. At the time, Billy had just graduated from Benson High School while Matt and Dylan were entering their senior year. They had already been playing together for nearly six years.
Dylan plays the guitar and sings with Matt playing the bass and adding to the vocals. Billy is the drummer.
The contest offered a chance for high school bands to gain statewide recognition with a panel of local celebrity musicians judging the musicians. One contest judge said of the band, “...probably one of the best high school bands I’ve ever seen.”
Hundreds of high school bands form and fall apart every year as some members graduate ahead of others and leave town, members move away from the community, or they go off to join other bands in other communities once out of high school. It is rare that one sticks together, getting better every year and expanding their audience from the confines of their school district to a national stage. But then there are few bands that with the innate chemistry of Tiny Moving Parts.
New record coming in September
The band has produced a new album and just released a new song that it will be promoting in September, Dylan said. The new album is called, “Pleasant Living” with the newly released song titled “Always Focused.”
“That song is about how we always like to overthink everything in a beat-yourself-up sort of way,” Dylan said. “It is a song about always being focused.”
The new song debuted July 9, but the album comes out Sept. 9. For their album release show in September, the band is playing the Triple Rock Social Club in Minneapolis, which has a capacity of 350.
Songs for the album were written in their basement on the Chevalier farm. The album name is tribute to “The nice leisure lifestyle,” Billy Chevalier said. Matt Chevalier, a talented artist, does the illustrations for the band’s album covers.
Photo: Brothers Billy and Matt Chevalier, left and right, and their first-cousin Dylan Mattheisen make up the group Tiny Moving Parts. The three are Benson High School graduates. Photo provided.