When it conducted its comprehensive survey this past summer on what residents of District 777 thought needed to be do
With Grant Herfindahl’s appointment to head the Minnesota Farm Service Agency, the two top positions in state agricul
When Swift County agreed to aid Federated Telephone Company with the expansion of broadband services to the eastern h
Early last Tuesday morning a bus wove its way through western Minnesota picking up supporters of the reopening of the
The St. Patrick's Day Parade was held in Benson on Saturday, March 19.
Legislation has been introduced in the Minnesota House that would pave the way for reopening the Prairie Correctional
A $12.9 million ecosystem renovation of Marsh Lake is moving ahead with the commitment of $7.59 million from the U.S.
Kevin Wald (pictured) spends 100 days a year on the road.
Stephen Paulus’ Prayers & Remembrances won a Grammy Award Monday for Best Contemporary Classical Composition.
“The fair is kind of a way of life for me,” Elaine Mitteness of Benson said last week as the Monitor-News interviewed
The following is an article written by Kathy A.
April and May saw very strong winds while farmers worked their fields
Benson High School is set to celebrate its annual Snow Week the week of Monday, Feb. 8 through Saturday, Feb.
Efforts to reopen the Prairie Correctional Facility (PCF) in Appleton have run into a roadblock, of sorts, at the sta
Sunday afternoon the sound of a helicopter passing low overhead signaled a LifeLink III helicopter on its way to pick
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