Precipitation record shattered

The April to June precipitation record for the Benson area has not just been broken, it has been shattered – and there are still six days left in the month. Thunderstorms are forecast for Thursday and Friday.
Over the past three months, 19.55 inches of precipitation has fallen. That is 2.76 inches more than the previous record of 16.79 inches from 1953. That year, June saw 10.45 inches of rain. In 1993, 16.51 inches was recorded with both May and June seeing heavy rainfalls.
June has now seen 9.04 inches of rain, which ranks it fourth overall for the month in records that go back to 1952. June 1952’s 12.5 inches of rain is at the top of the list with the 10.45 inches that fell in June 1953 second.
Photo: A corn crop disappears into the flood waters of the Shakopee creek south of Benson.