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November 2, 2021
All members present.  
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:01 AM. Also present: Administrator Kelsey Baker, County Attorney Danielle Olson, Terri Orr, Drainage Inspector Kody Fossum and members of the public.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Consider approval of Minutes from October 19, 2021 Regular Meeting.
Consider approval of the Highway Department/AFSCME Council 65 Memorandum of Agreement.
Consider approval of Daycare Grant.
Consider approval of the FY 2022 & 2023 State of MN Board of Water and Soil Resources Natural Resources Block Grant Agreement.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants.  Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $131,837.85; Solid Waste Fund: $15,190.78; County Road & Bridge: $5,555.04; County Ditches Fund: $84,184.30; Upper Minnesota Watershed: $1,382.33; Region 6 West Fund: $11,054.84; State Fund: $4,322.16; Townships & Cities Fund: $1,688,088.62 which includes the following bills over $2,000: Bolton & Menk Inc., $11,137.00; Commerford Gravel Inc., $7,688.30; Kandiyohi County Sheriffs Dept., $5,113.29; Kluver Law Office & Mediation Center PLI, $4,455.84; Nobles County Sheriff, $2,125.00; Sussner Construction Inc., $73,131.00; Swift County Fair Association, $18,200.00; Swift County Historical Society, $18,962.00; Swift County HRA, $27,684.69; Swift County RDA, $19,757.37; Treasurer, Appleton Township, $10,662.67; Treasurer, Benson Township, $10,418.02; Treasurer, Camp Lake Township, $9,681.06; Treasurer, Cashel Township, $4,081.56; Treasurer, City of Appleton, $538,683.69; Treasurer, City of Benson, $601,112.79; Treasurer, City of Clontarf, $61,264.71; Treasurer, City of Danvers, $25,941.59; Treasurer, City of DeGraff, $13,522.51; Treasurer, City of Holloway, $86,320.01; Treasurer, City of Kerkhoven, $125,884.26; Treasurer, City of Murdock, $30,660.51; Treasurer, Clontarf Township, $13,246.77; Treasurer, Dublin Township, $4,170.70; Treasurer, Edison Township, $3,454.33; Treasurer, Fairfield Township, $3,964.28; Treasurer, Hayes Township, $3,714.08; Treasurer, Hegbert Township, $7,497.87; Treasurer, Kerkhoven Township, $9,966.42; Treasurer, Kildare Township, $8,280.48; Treasurer, Marysland Township, $7,477.12; Treasurer, Moyer Township, $5,562.52; Treasurer, Pillsbury Township, $9,652.33; Treasurer, Shible Township, $3,384.88; Treasurer, Six Mile Grove Township, $10,869.16; Treasurer, Swenoda Township, $6,827.67; Treasurer, Tara Township, $7,244.89; Treasurer, Torning Township, $9,254.30; Treasurer, West Bank Township, $7,675.90; Upper MN Valley RDC, $11,054.84; Van Heuveln General Contraction Inc., $62,930.00; Waste Management of WI-MN, $11,601.92.
Commissioner Hendrickx reported on the Joint Ditch 18 meeting, RDC, AMC District meeting and meeting with the Appleton Sportsman Club. Commissioner Rudningen reported on the Prairie Lakes Youth Programs. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on Joint Ditch 18, AMC District meeting and the Swift County Historical Society. Commissioner P. Peterson reported on Prairie Five Community Action Council, HRA and Helping Hands Nurse Family Partnership. Chairman Fox reported on PrimeWest, Hospital Finance, Joint Ditch 18 meeting, Hospital Board, American Relief Program, District 9 Ditch meeting, AMC District meeting and Regional Private Industrial Council.
Administer Kelsey Baker reported on EDA Grant working with the RDC, Building Committee meeting, American Relief Program and Swift Falls Park survey.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments: There were none.
Ray Traeger held a discussion on the Appleton Sportsman Club in regards to the OHV Park.
Highway Engineer Andrew Sander requested final payment to Brown Excavation, Inc. for County Wide Gravel Crushing in the amount of $9,556.08 for 2021.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve resolution #21-11-41 for final payment to Brown Excavation, Inc. for County Wide Gravel Crushing in the amount of $9,556.08 for 2021. Motion carried unanimously.
Andrew Sander further requested the approval of Contract Amendment 85723 with the DNR which includes the extension of funding for Marsh Lake Bike Trail for one year.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the Contract Amendment 85723 with the DNR which includes the extension of funding for Marsh Lake Bike Trail for one year. A brief discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Andrew Sander further introduced the bids opened to construct the Marsh Lake Trail.  The recommendation was to table these bids pending state review.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to table the bids for the funding of the Marsh Lake Trail from the DNR to the next meeting on November 16, 2021.  A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Kelsey Baker requested approval to move forward with selling the old Prairie Five building.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve moving forward with selling the old Prairie Five building. A lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner P. Peterson abstaining.
Kelsey Baker further requested approval for the Contract with the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission for an EDA Grant.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Hendrickx second to approve the Contract with the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission for an EDA Grant.  The Counties portion of the project would be 20% or $235,396.17. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelsey Baker further requested approval to purchasing new software for the Commissioners. There was a lengthy discussion and the consensus was to gather quotes and options for the Commissioners.
The board recessed at 10:30 AM.
The board reconvened at 11:00 AM for the Human Services Work Session.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 1:07 PM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator

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