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May 4, 2021
All members present.
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. Also present: Administrator Kelsey Baker, Terri Orr, Auditor Kim Saterbak, Swift County Sheriff John Holtz, Parks and Drainage Supervisor Mike Johnson and one member from the public.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes from April 20, 2021.
Consider approval of Minnesota Clean Water Partnership Project Implementation Loan Agreement Amendment No. 1 along with the MPCA to conduct the Swift County SSTS Upgrades Project. This is retroactive to and amends the previous Resolution with respect to the SRF0312 Clean Water Partnership Project Implementation Loan Agreement of 04/17/2018. Res (21-05-24)
OHV Park Maintenance Resolution. Res (21-05-25)
Consider approval of the Emergency Management Grant Contract Agreement.
Chairman Fox requested that two vouchers be changed. Change Butch Puchalski's name on check to Noel Koenigs same dollar amount and coding. Change Hughes McCormick to American Legion for the same dollar amount and coding.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $99,512.76; Solid Waste Fund: $28,150.73; County Road & Bridge: $176,714.66; Human Services: $274.80; County Ditches Fund: $42,911.81; County health insurance: $436.00; which includes the following bills over $2,000: Ascheman Oil, $4,879.39; Margaret Ascheman, $6,525.00; John & Heidi Beyer, $6,450.00; Lloyd & Cindy Beyer, $4,651.00; Bolton & Menk, Ink, $7,977.00; Boyd & Patricia Buyck, $3,263.00; Chippewa County Auditor-Treasurer, $34,934.81; Clean Site LLC, $4,620.00; CO-OP Credit Union, $5,332.86; Michael Conroy, $3,150.00; Linda & Bradley Foss, $11,476.00; Sharon Gades, Trustee, $8,813.00; Geyer Recycling, $6,346.00; HP Inc., $3,000.74; Shane & Bridget Joss, $3,375.00; Kerkhoven Banner, $7,023.08; Kamille Kjolsing, $8,363.00; Lincoln National Corporation, $2,630.79; Allen & Hazel Mumm, Trustees, $10,350.00; Corrine & John Mumm, $13,275.00; Lance and Amy Mumm, $10.125.00; Northern Lights Trail Snowmobile Club, $11,214.90; Picht, Chief Mgr Pres/Larry, $5,626.00; Quandt, Trustee-Quandt Family/Verna, $14,025.00; Riverview LLP, $2,250.00; Kenneth & Carol Rohloff, $13,426.00; Daniel Schaefer, Mge, $6,750.00; Soil Conservation Office, $21,125.00; Spring Valley Farms LLP, $7,313.00; Sun Life Financial -246468, $2,162.68; Swift County Environmental Services, $4,000.00; Swift County Treasurer, $11,367.26; Thielke, Trustees/Martin & Dorinda, $6,750.00; Thielke, Trustees/Randall & LuJean, $13,500.00; University of Minnesota, $18,814.00; Waste Management of WI-MN, $14,768.86.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants as amended. Brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner P. Peterson reported on Prairie Five, Helping Hands Nurse Family Partnership and HRA. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on DAC, Extension and Computer Professional Technology. Chair Fox reported on Hospital Finance and PrimeWest. Commissioner Hendrickx reported on RDC and AMC meetings. Commissioner Rudningen reported on Prairie Lakes Youth Program, Planning and Zoning Committee and Board of Adjustments Board.
Administrator Kelsey Baker reported on the American Relief Plan, Housing meetings with the City of Benson, Department Head meeting for 2022 budget, Personnel updates, Technology Committee and Building Committee update.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments: Mark Hughes had concerns about the last board meeting of 2020, County Grant Relief money, zoom meetings and bids on the construction for the County buildings. Jim Hilleren gave information on the Swift County Courthouse Clock.
Environmental Services Director Scott Collins requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit #5924 requested by Jeremy & Sarah Hippen, 105 1st St. W., Jordan, MN 55352 (Owner), for a conditional use permit for grading and filling. This permit is for the purpose of preventing erosion, which includes bank stabilization, control sediment and pollutants, and preserve existing vegetation.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve a Conditional Use Permit #5924 requested by Jeremy & Sarah Hippen, 105 1st St. W., Jordan, MN 55352 (Owner), for a conditional use permit for grading and filling. This permit is for the purpose of preventing erosion, which includes bank stabilization, control sediment and pollutants, and preserve existing vegetation.  Brief discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Scott Collins further requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit #5927 requested by Dru & Julie Tosel, 43 West Thielke, Appleton, MN 56208 (Owners) for extraction of clay, gravel, black dirt & sand to assist in building a nearby roadway.  Lengthy discussion was held and decided to change #3 on the permit to state: Upon completion of project, surface water drainage will return to previous condition.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve a Conditional Use Permit #5927 requested by Dru & Julie Tosel, 43 West Thielke, Appleton, MN 56208 (Owners) for extraction of clay, gravel, black dirt & sand to assist in building a nearby roadway. Condition #3 was changed on the application for permit to state: Upon completion of project, surface water drainage will return to the previous condition.  Lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Scott Collins further requested to approve a Conditional Use Permit #5940 requested by Roger Holtkamp, 660 150th Ave. SE, Kerkhoven, MN 56252 (Owner) for gravel extraction for maintaining roads.  Lengthy discussion was held decided to change #3 on the application for permit to state: Upon completion of project, surface water drainage will return to previous condition.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commission Hendrickx seconded to approve a Conditional Use Permit #5940 requested by Roger Holtkamp, 660 150th Ave. SE, Kerkhoven, MN 56252 (Owner) for gravel extraction for maintaining roads. Condition #3 was changed on the application for permit to state: Upon completion of project, surface water drainage will return to the previous condition.  Lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Highway Engineer Andy Sander requested approval of the final payment for Projects SAP 076-625-016, SAP 076-631-027, SAP 076-033-030, CP 019-001 and CP 019-002. Res (21-05-26)
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the final payment for Projects SAP 076-625-016, SAP 076-631-027, SAP 076-033-030, CP 019-001 and CP 019-002. Res (21-05-26). Motion carried unanimously.
The Board recessed at 9:59 A.M.
The Board reconvened at 10:03 A.M.
George Eilertson discussed potential Refinancing Options on the Federated Telephone Bonds.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve to proceed with lowering the interest rate on the Federated Telephone Bonds.  Lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Melissa McGinty-Thompson and Dan Enderson updated the Board on the SCBHS.
Administrator Kelsey Baker held a discussion on Shared Engineering Services Agreement.  
When the Shared Engineer Agreement with Yellow Medicine comes up for renewal on May 31, 2022 the Board is to proceed with not renewing the contract and have Administrator Kelsey Baker bring forth ideas going forward on the Swift County Engineer’s position.
Chad Kingstrom and Kristi Fernholz from UMVRDC held a discussion on the future expansion of the OHV Park.  Consensus among the Commissioners was to move forward on this, but to work closely with the Sportsman’s Club for safety reasons.
County Treasurer Ron Vadnais updated the board on 1st Quarter 2021 cash & investments.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 11:50 A.M.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator


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