All members present.
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Also present County Administrator Kelsey Baker, Human Services Director Catie Lee, County Auditor Kim Saterbak and Terri Orr.
Chairman Fox asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Administrator Kelsey Baker would like to discuss new ipads under other buisness. No other changes.
Eric Rudningen moved and Edward Peterson seconded to approve amended agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
Pete Peterson moved and Gary Hendrickx seconded to approve Consent agenda which consisted of: (1) Minutes from March 2, (2) 2021 2020 County Feedlot Officer (CFO) Annual Report. Motion carried unanimously.
The Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $165,376.22; Solid Waste: $20,712.06; County Road & Bridge: $8,143.86; County Ditches Fund: $438.07; County Health Insurance, $13.88; which includes the following bills over $2,000: American Solutions For Business, $2,035.06; Auto Value Benson, $2,290.84; Craig’s Inc., $2,415.39; Tamera Koosman, $2,412.53; League of Minnesota Cities, $2,340.00; Lincoln Axon Enterprise Inc., $3,890.81; CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, $3,150.00; Counties Providing Technology, $6,736.00; Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Department, $2,369.68; Motorola, $15,649.93; Pemberton Sorlie Rufer & Kershner PLLP, $5,446.85; Pflipsen Trucking LLC, $10,799.49; Pioneerland Library System, $34,915.25; Pomme de Terri River Association, $6,412.00; Rinke Noonan, $3,230.50; Safe Avenues, $3,250.00; Southwest Initiative Foundation, $3,223.00; Swift County Human Services, $4,917.96; Waste Management Of WI-MN, $7,069.96; West Central Communications, $39,628.17; Wold Architects & Engineers, $4,742.28; Yellow Medicine County Highway, $3,373.64.
Edward Peterson moved and Gary Hendrickx seconded to approve Commissioner warrants and review Auditor warrants. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rudningen reported on Well-being Committee, Enhancing the Organization Committee, Glacial Ridge Scenic Byway and Policy Committee. Commissioner Hendrickx reported on 6W Corrections and PrimeWest. Chairman Fox reported on PrimeWest, Well-being Committee, Restorative Practices and Private Industry Council. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on RDA meeting, Soil and Water Conservation District and a Joint Ditch #9 meeting. Commissioner P. Peterson reported on 6W Corrections, Safety Committee, Countryside Public Health, Courthouse Clock and Policy Committee.
Administrator Kelsey Baker reported on MACA, DOR, Closed County Relief Fund, Enhancing the Organization Committee meeting, Floor plans moving forward for Human Services and Sheriff’s department, Resolutions regarding Proclamations, American Rescue Plan and Human Service Work Session.
Chairman Fox asked for citizen's comments. There were none.
Sheriff John Holtz gave his 2020 Report.
Auditor Kim Saterbak gave her Quarterly Budget report to actual update.
Consider approving Laura Ostlie, RDA Executive Director to acquire the HRA Executive Director duties, once Vicki Syverson retires. Pete Peterson moved and Eric Rudningen seconded to approve Laura Ostlie, RDA Executive Director to acquire the HRA Executive Director duties as of July 1, 2021. Motion carried unanimously.
Consider approving New Job Descriptions because of Succession Planning and Reorganization. Gary Hendrickx moved and Eric Rudningen seconded to approve new job descriptions because of Succession Planning and Reorganization. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Consider approving a Loan Agreement with Swift County HRA to acquire and rehabilitate Gra-Mar Court. Eric Rudningen moved and Gary Hendrickx seconded to approve a Loan Agreement with Swift County HRA to acquire and rehabilitate Gra-Mar Court. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Highway Engineer Andy Sander requested approval for the purchase of a new Wheel Loader. Eric Rudningen moved and Edward Peterson seconded to Approve the purchase of the Ziegler CAT 9506C Wheel Loader. Motion carried unanimously.
Highway Engineer Andy Sander further held a discussion for the Detour on CSAH 6.
Human Service Director Catie Lee and Fiscal Supervisor Gary Jensen updated the board on the Financial Summary and Human Services update.
Administrator Kelsey Baker held a discussion on new iPads for the Commissioners. No action was taken at this time.
Administrator Kelsey Baker held a discussion on Early Retirement Incentives.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 11:14 A.M.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator