Saturday mail could end this August
Losing Saturday mail won’t have a big impact on most individuals and businesses in the communities.
Over the past two weeks, the Monitor-News has talked with numerous individuals and businesses about what the loss of Saturday mail would mean to them. Some simply shrug and say it isn’t a big deal. Others say the impact will be an inconvenience, but they will adapt.
Post Master General Pat Donahoe announced Feb. 6 that he is ending Saturday mail the first week in August. The move will save the Postal Service $2 billion annual, he says. The Postal Service will continue to put mail in Postal Service boxes and keep the doors open for people to pick up their mail.
However, a relatively small percentage of the American population has a Postal Service box. Further the hours are very limited on Saturdays, often between one and two hours in the many rural areas of the state, including West Central Minnesota.
Donahoe says the Postal Service will continue to deliver packages of all sizes on Saturdays.