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All members present.  
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Also present: Administrator Kelsey Baker, County Assessor Joe Tschida, Auditor Kim Saterbak and Terri Orr.
Chairman Fox asked if there were any changes to the agenda.  There were two changes.  To move Mike Johnson Parks Drainage & Wetlands Supervisor update to the regular agenda and move Joe Tschida’s update to the Board of Equalization meeting.  There were no other changes.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes from June 1, 2021:
Consider approval of Mental Health Targeted Case Management Memorandum of Understanding with Woodland Centers.
Consider approval of Swift County Policies.
Consider approving Human Services County Burial Policy.
Consider approving Human Services Financials.
Consider approving Mitel software assurance.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner E. Pederson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $103,336.35; Solid Waste Fund: $18,064.30; County Road & Bridge: $16,076.81; County Ditches Fund: $448.10; State Fund; $27.00; which includes the following bills over $2,000: Appleton Building Center, $3,416.48; Comm of MMB, Treasury Division, $3,759.50; Counties Providing Technology, $10,396.00; E & M Electric LLP, $2,283.41;  Election Systems & Software Inc., $2,047.50; Kandiyohi County HHS, $2,000.00; Kandiyohi County Sheriffs Dept, $3,176.68; MN Dept of Transportation, $6,810.05; Nolan Baker Ford Sales, $2,391.92; Pflipsen Trucking LLC, $1,892.19; Pioneerland Library System, $34,915.25; Rosendahl Construction, $4,200.00; Waste Management of WI-MN, $3,347.22; Westmor Industries, $7,285.49; WEX Bank, $5,019.12; Wold Architects & Engineers, $3,397.60.
Commissioner Rudningen reported on the Emergency Services Radio System Board and Prairie Lakes Youth Program. Commissioner Hendrickx reported 6W Corrections, AMC District meeting, Revolving Loan Fund, Woodland Centers and PrimeWest. Chairman Fox reported on PrimeWest, AMC District meeting, Revolving Loan Fund and Well-Being Committee. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on Soil and Water Conservation District, and AMC District meeting. Commissioner P. Peterson reported on 6W Corrections and Policy Committee.
Administrator Kelsey Baker reported on Bond Rating, reviews for 2022 budget, OHV Master Plan, Local Housing Trust Guidelines, Ongoing maintenance update, Enhancing the Organization and Personnel updates.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments: There was none.
George Eilertson, Northland Securities requested approval of Resolution approving the Issuance of Taxable General Obligation Crossover Refunding Bonds, Series 2021A.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the Issuance of Taxable General Obligation Crossover Refunding Bonds, Series 2021A.
A brief discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
George further updated the board on upcoming bonds.
Jonathan Loose, Wold Architects & Engineers requested approval of Sussner Construction Inc., with the low bid of $774,000.00 for renovations to the Law Enforcement Center and Human Service buildings.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve Sussner Construction Inc., with the low bid of $774,000.00 for renovations to the Law Enforcement Center and Human Service buildings.  A lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Kelsey Baker updated the Board on the OHV land acquisition.  The Department of Transportation (DOT) would be willing to work with the County on the purchase of the 27.53 acres.  DOT would like to keep the 7 acres around the southside.  The County would have to install a chain link fence before purchasing the land and DOT would then reimburse the County for that dollar amount.
The Board agreed to continue to proceed with the DOT and OHV Master Plan.
Recess at 6:13 PM.
Reconvened at 6:30 PM.
Opened the Board of Equalization at 6:30 PM.
Closed the Board of Equalization meeting at 7:11 PM.
Reconvened to regular session at 7:11 PM.
Commissioner Rudningen moved to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 7:11 PM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator

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