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All members present.  
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:01 AM. Also present: County Administrator Kelsey Baker, County Sheriff John Holtz, RDA Director Laura Ostlie and Terri Orr.
Commissioner E. Pederson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rudningen asked to remove the 2022 squad car bids off the Consent Agenda.  There were no other changes.
Consider approval of Minutes from December 30, 2021 Regular Meeting.
Consider approval of Minutes from December 30, 2022 Executive Meeting.
Consider approval of Minutes from January 4, 2022 Regular Meeting.
Consider approval of the appointing of Swift County Delegates and Policy Committee Appointment for AMC
Consider approval of Extension Committee members.
Consider approval of Human Services Contracts.
Consider approval of Northern Geo LLC Settlement Request.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve the amended Consent Agenda. A lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rudningen held a discussion on the 2022 squad car bids.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to reject the 2022 squad car bids and wait for the 2023 bids. A lengthy discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants.  Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $186,990.71; Solid Waste Fund: $22,057.25; County Road & Bridge: $93,831.93; Debt Services: $1,250.00; County Ditches Fund: $2,699.30; County Health Insurance: $1,041.60; which includes the following bills over $2,000: Association Of Minnesota Counties, $10,660.00; Backstreet Printing, $7,080.54; Chippewa River Watershed, $8,700.00; Counties Providing Technology, $7,179.00; Dons Building Center, $4,468.53; GovOffice LLC, $4,390.00; IdVille, $2,121.43; Johnson Controls, $12,599.44; Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Dept, $5,394.95; Kerkhoven Banner, $5,981.75; League Of Minnesota Cities, $2,160.00; MN Counties Intergovernmental Trust, $9,226.00; MN Sheriff’s Association, $4,979.15; Morris Electronics, $30,520.10; Motorola, $25,345.92; Nuss Truck Group Inc., $82,770.39; Pflipsen Trucking LLC, $11,339.28; Retrofit Companies Inc., $4,357.63; Tangen, Attorney/Neil, $12,509.00; Tom Fragodt, $2,300.00; Upper MN Valley RDC, $5,500.00; Ziegler Inc., $5,293.90.
Commissioner Hendrickx reported on the RDC, Woodland Centers, Building Committee and OHV Park. Commissioner Rudningen reported on the Well-being Committee and Prairie Lakes Youth Program. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on Joint Ditch #9, RDA, and the Soil and Water Conservation District. Commissioner P.  Peterson reported on the Negotiation Strategy meeting and Countryside Public Health.  Chairman Fox reported on Joint Ditch #9, Woodland Centers, Restorative Practices, Revolving Loan Fund, Well-being Committee and the Block Grant for Environmental Services.  
Administrator Kelsey Baker reported on the Torning Township meeting, OSHA ETS, OHV Park, Personnel update, Day Care meeting, Leadership Class update and Building Committee.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments.  Jim Hilleren updated the board on the Courthouse Clock.
Parks and Drainage Supervisor Kody Fossum updated the board on the Redetermination of Benefits.  
Human Services Fiscal Supervisor Gary Jensen updated the board on the Financial Summary.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 10:14 AM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator

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