All members present.
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Also present: County Administrator Kelsey Baker, County Sheriff John Holtz and Terri Orr.
Commissioner E. Pederson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Consider approval of Minutes from December 8, 2021 Regular Meeting.
Consider approval of Day Care Grants.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $26,522.74; Solid Waste Fund: $2,879.08; County Road & Bridge: $30,329.43; County Ditches Fund: $6,420.00; County Health Insurance: $1,699.00; which includes the following bills over $2,000: Albany Recycling Center, $2,414.21; American Solutions For Business, $2,347.15; Bolton & Menk, Inc., $5,845.00; Commerford Gravel Inc., $2,085.00; Glacial Plains Cooperative, $3,693.69; Kris Engineering, $5,554.80; MNCCC Lockbox, $6,635.00; Newman Traffic Signs, $3,087.30; Riley Brothers Construction Inc., $11,372.25; Southside Body Shop & Glass, $3,842.00; Swift County Historical Society, $7,500.00.
Commissioner Hendrickx reported on RDC Revolving Loan Fund. Commissioner Rudningen reported on the Policy Committee. Commissioner E. Pederson had no reports. Commissioner P. Peterson reported on the Policy Committee. Chairman Fox reported on the RDC Revolving Loan Fund meeting.
Administrator Kelsey Baker reported on Emergency home numbers, American Relief Program dollars, Policy Committee and Leadership meeting, regarding daycare.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments. There were none.
Auditor Kim Saterbak and HRA Director Laura Ostlie requested approval for purchase of a tax forfeiture property by Swift County HRA.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the purchase of a tax forfeiture property by Swift County HRA. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Kelsey Baker held a discussion regarding a Vaccination Mandate. A lengthy discussion was held. The policy will be brought forth to the January 4, 2021 board meeting.
The board recessed at 9:42 AM.
The board reconvened at 9:59 AM.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to closed session to evaluate the performance of an individual who is subject to its authority pursuant to Minnesota Stature 13D.05, Subd 3 for a scheduled annual performance review of County Administrator Kelsey Baker. Motion carried unanimously.
The regular session recessed to closed session at 10:00: AM.
The meeting reconvened to regular session at 10:32 AM.
It was noted by the Chair that Administrator Baker had a favorable 2021 performance review in the closed session. The board took no action.
Commissioner Rudningen moved resolution 21-12-51 and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve increasing the Administrator’s salary in line with the market study and non-union group, and moving the Administrator 1 step on her anniversary date of March 21, 2022 as specified in the resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting at 10:34 AM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator