All members present.
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM. Also present: County Administrator Kelsey Baker and Terri Orr.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Kelsey Baker asked to remove the minutes from December 8, 2021. There is a correction with language. There were no other changes.
Consider approval of the Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement.
Consider approval of the Amendment to Resolution Number 21-10-38 “KMS Trail Project Phase 1” Resolution of Support of Sponsoring Agency.
Consider approval to sign Countryside Public Health Agreement.
Consider approval of Human Services Contracts.
Consider approval of Waste Management contract – one year extension.
Consider approval of the New Planning Commission and reappointments of existing Planning Commission members.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the amended Consent Agenda. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fox added one additional bill to the warrants for $352.69, to the DMV for registration of a trailer for Parks, Drainage & Wetlands.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the amended Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $132,203.59; Solid Waste Fund: $69,542.84; County Road & Bridge: $482,734.78; County Ditches Fund: $9,327.35; County Health Insurance: $3,424.00; Townships & Cities Fund: $7,593.44 : which includes the following bills over $2,000: Aleshia Camp & Rapid Response Plumbing, $10,400.00; Grace Amundson, $2,070.00; Central Specialties Inc., $439,595.85; Commerford Gravel Inc., $3,200.00; Counties Providing Technology, $6,736.00; Douglas County Public Works, $13,593.16; Forum Communications Printing, $2,259.08; Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department, $2,751.76; Kerkhoven Banner, $4,260.01; M-R Sign Company Inc., $6,723.00; Pflipsen Trucking LLC, $15,731.73; Pro-Trainer, $31,720.00; Reedsburg Hardware Company., $3,249.04; Rinke Noonan, $3,525.50; Royal Tire Inc., $3,909.22; Sussner Construction Inc., $62,529.00; Swift County Human Services, $3,375.63; Tom’s Service, $2,344.22; Treasurer, City of Clontarf, $7,593.44; U S Postal Service, $5,110.00; University of Minnesota; $18,814.00; Waste Management of WI-MN, $10,673.71; Dawn Weber, $2,900.00; West Central Communications, $3,896.75; Ziegler Inc., $11,018.66.
Commissioner P. Peterson reported on Prairie Five Community Action Council and the Policy Committee. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on Toni Lindstrom’s retirement party, DAC and Soil and Water Conservation District meeting. Commissioner Rudningen reported on Well-being Committee, Prairie Lakes Youth Program, Luncheon for the new employees, Emergency Service Radio Board, KMS Trail Blazers city meeting and Policy Committee. Commissioner Hendrickx reported Building Committee, Appleton Sportsman Club and OHV Park meeting and Woodland Centers. Chairman Fox reported on Well-being Committee, Woodland Centers and Private Industry Council.
Administer Kelsey Baker reported on Committee and Boards Review, County Engineer position update, Redistricting update, end of year reporting, Policy Committee and construction update.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments: Marlene Molden had concerns on the vaccine mandates.
Highway Engineer Andrew Sander requested approval of resolution for final payment SAP 076-598-013.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded the approval of Resolution for final payment SAP 076-598-013. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Andrew Sander further requested approval of resolution for project SAP 076-598-013.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded the adoption of Resolution for project SAP 076-598-013. Motion carried unanimously.
Andrew Sander further requested approval of resolution 21-12-50 for support and agreement to sponsor the Appleton Milan Elementary School of Appleton Pursuit of 2022 Safe Routes to School Funding from MnDot for Construction of Safety Project at 349 S Edquist St. Appleton Mn, 56208.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve resolution 21-12-50 for support and agreement to sponsor the Appleton Milan Elementary School of Appleton Pursuit of 2022 Safe Routes to School Funding from MnDot for Construction of Safety Project at 349 S Edquist St. Appleton Mn, 56208. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Kelsey Baker requested approval of Resolution 21-12-47 for 2022 Final Swift County Budget and Levy.
WHEREAS, pursuant to stature and rule of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, the County’s 2022 Final Budget and Levy must be adopted by December 31, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the Swift County Board of Commissioner held its Truth-In -Taxation Hearing on December 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Jury Room in the Swift County Courthouse.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Swift County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts its 2022 final budget, dated December 21, 2021 and attached here to as Appendix A revenues of $26,232,067 and expenditures of $26,372,431.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2022 levy be set as follows:
Revenue $ 6,805,456
Road and Bridge $ 1,905,027
Human Services $ 3,141,625
Debt $ 365,500
Solid Waste $ 65,000
Total Final Gross Levy $ 12,282,608
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the final levy payable in 2022 be set as follows:
Gross Levy $ 12,282,608
CPA $ 596,208
Operating Levy $ 11,686,400
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner P. Peterson seconded to approve Resolution 21-12-47 and adopt 2022 Final Swift County Budget and Levy. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelsey Baker requested approval of Resolution 21-12-48 for setting the 2022 Chair salary at $23,183.00 and Commissioner salaries at $22,182.00 and schedule of per diem at the 2021 rate of $70.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve Resolution 21-12-48 for setting Swift County Board of Commissioners salaries and schedule of per diem for 2022. A brief discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelsey Baker further requested approval of Resolution 21-12-49 for providing local Match and designation for the EDA Grant for the OHV Park.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve Resolution 21-12-49 for providing local Match and designation for the EDA Grant for the OHV Park. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Kristi Fernholz and Kelsey Baker held a discussion and requested approval of the Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Master Plan.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Master Plan as presented. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Human Services Director Catie Lee updated the board on the Financial Summary and Human Services update.
Administrator Kelsey Baker reviewed the 2022 Work Plan.
The board recessed at 10:35 AM.
The board reconvened at 10:47 AM.
Kody Fossum, Parks, Drainage & Wetlands Supervisor held a presentation with Bryan Murphy on Ditch Redeterminations with H2Overviewers.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42 AM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator