SWIFT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Request for Road Construction Bids
Request for Road Construction Bids
Benson, Minnesota 56215
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until:
BIDS CLOSE 10:00 AM Wednesday May 12th 2021
Delivery of sealed bids must be made to the Swift County Highway Department Administration Building, 1635 Hoban Avenue (PO Box 241), Benson, MN 56215.
Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read at the above date/time/location, for the CSAH 22 Grading project listed below:
SAP 076-622-038 - From MnTH 59 to South CSAH 13
(5.988 Total Miles)
Proposal with specifications may be examined and obtained (fee: including MN sales tax = $42.75) at the office of the Swift County Engineer in the Highway Department Administration Building, 1635 Hoban Avenue, Benson, MN 56215.
Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of Swift County, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Swift County equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects.
Andrew C. Sander
Swift County Highway Engineerwww.swiftcounty.com
Ph – 320-842-5251