(Part 1)
Bridge Replacement Projects
BIDS CLOSE June 26th, 2013
Benson, Minnesota
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 10:00 AM on June 26th 2013, at the Swift County Highway Administration Building, 1635 Hoban Avenue, PO Box 241, Benson, MN 56215. Sealed bids will then be opened and publicly read at 10:00 AM at the Swift County Highway Administration Building, 1635 Hoban Avenue, Benson, MN 56215 for the construction project listed below:
Project Number: S.P. 076-617-011
Location: On Swift CSAH 17 – From 330’ South of South County Line to 1845’ North of South County Line.
Type of work: Bridge Replacement & Approach Grading with Concrete Surfacing Construct Bridge # 76542 (Old # 7141)
Major Items:
• 3 span – Beam Bridge • 36’ X 279’ Deck (Roadway Surface)
• Pre-stressed Concrete Beams Type MN45 – 1,092’
• Cast-in-place Type F Railing - 616’
• 10,327 Cu. Yds Unclassified Excavation
• 9,870 Cu. Yds Common Borrow
• Reinforcement Bars (Epoxy Coated) 111,180 Lbs.
Project Length: 2,175.00’ (Bridge Length 279.33’)
Project Number: S.P. 076-617-012
Location: On Swift CSAH 17 – From 1845’ North of South County Line to Swift CSAH 6.
Type of work: Grading, Bituminous Reclamation, Aggregate Base, Concrete Surfacing, & Aggregate Shoulders.
Major Items:
• 57,924 Cu Yds Common Exc
• 39,225 Sq Yds Bit Pavement Reclamation
• 11,187 Ton Agg. Base Class 5
• 7,012 Ton Agg. Shouldering Class 5
• 13,000 Cu Yds Granular Borrow
• 39,060 Sq Yd of Concrete Pavement Standard Width 6”
Project Length: 14120.37’ (2.674 Mi.)
Both projects shall be combined under one proposal and shall be evaluated on the basis of the proposed total.
Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations.