NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Swift County Board of Adjustment
There will be a meeting of the Swift County Board of Adjustment on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) in the lower level of the Swift County Courthouse, 301 14th St. N., Benson, MN to consider the following:
IN THE MATTER OF: Edward Pederson, 390 60th S. NE, Benson, MN 56215 (Owner)
REQUEST: Variance to establish a single-family dwelling within the 150’ setback of a natural environment lake.
LOCATION: That part of Gov. Lot 6, T-122 N, R-39 W, Section 15 lying N’ly of the S line of Gov. Lot 2 of said section extended E’ly, except the following:
Commencing at the NW corner of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 15, T-122 N, R-39 W; thence N 00 Deg., 55 Min., 13 Sec. E along the N-S ¼ line of said Section 15 a distance of 18 ft.; thence S 89 Deg., 45 Min., 29 Sec. E a distance of 557 ft., more or less, to the shoreline of Lake Moore; thence SE’ly along the shoreline of Lake Moore to the point whe3re it intersects the S line of Gov. Lot 2 of said Section 15 extended E’ly, also known as the N line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 15; thence N 89 Deg, 45 Min., 29 Sec. W along the said S line of Gov. Lot 2 extended E’ly, also known as the N line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 15, a distance of 566 ft., more or less, to the point of beginning containing0.2 acres, more or less, and being a part of Gov. Lot 6 of Section 15, T-122 N, R-39 W (Benson Township) in Swift County, Minnesota.
All interested persons may appear and be heard at said place and time.
Dated: April 19, 2021
Scott Collins, Director
Swift County Environmental Services