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Secretary of State Simon urges students to register to vote; become election judges

Now is the time to start thinking about your right to vote, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon told Benson High

Old creamery could become event center, if hurdles cleared

Whether or not a new business will be able to renovate the old creamery building between the Burlington Northern Sant

County says new flag issue is not in its ‘wheelhouse’

At the start of each Swift County Board of Commissioners meeting, there is a time set aside for citizens who want to

Questions but no controversy on Dooley’s pipeline

Nearly 40 people attended last Tuesday night’s joint public hearing of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and

Ice becoming dangerous as unusually warm weather returns

After the latest ice-in dates on record, and then a bitterly bold stretch of weather in mid-January that raised the h

County Veterans tour Fagen Fighters WWII Museum

Swift County veterans were joined by veterans from Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, and Yellow Medicine counties last Thursda

Floods, drought, heat, top ‘23 weather stories

2023 was year of precipitation and temperature extremes.

Changes to Braves name, logo will be implemented slowly

Be patient and see what challenges evolve. Seek allies. Lobby for funding and an extended deadline.

December warmest, wettest on record

Late December saw people water skiing on Green Lake, paddle boarding on Lake Minnewaska, and fishing on Artichoke Lak

Martins sell Super Valu to Hartmans, another small town grocery family

As of Jan.

Tribes deny 777 request to keep Braves name

For 78 years, Benson Public Schools have used the Braves name. Now it might have to find a new one.

Brave name, logo fate to be decided by Friday

Friday is the deadline for the state’s 11 Native American tribes and the Tribal Nations Education Committee to submit

Historic country school house could be moving south

One of the oldest buildings in Swift County, the District 6 school house sitting in Ambush Park in Benson was built i

Santa Claus meets kids at Track in Benson
County sees first 2023 avian influenza case

Swift County saw its first 2023 avian influenza case Nov.

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