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Tribes deny 777 request to keep Braves name

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For 78 years, Benson Public Schools have used the Braves name. Now it might have to find a new one.
At least two Minnesota Native American tribes and the Tribal Nations Education Committee, a body representing the state’s 11 tribes, voted against Benson keeping the Braves name or logo.
The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux tribe was not opposed to Benson’s continued use of the Braves name. However, the tribal committee and the White Earth Nation both opposed the use of the name and logo. The Lower Sioux Indian Community opposed the district’s exemption request but wasn’t specific on whether it was for the name or logo, or both.
Friday was the deadline for the state’s 11 Native American tribes and the committee to submit their stand on Benson Public School’s use of the Braves name and the logo which depicts a capitol letter B with a feather draped over the right side.

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