Swift County Board of Adjustment on Friday, November 12, 2021
There will be a meeting of the Swift County Board of Adjustment on Friday, November 12, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. at the Jury Room in the lower level of the Swift County Courthouse, 301 14th St. N., Benson, MN to consider the following:
IN THE MATTER OF: Dustin Walsh, 725 100th St. SE, Murdock, MN 56271 (Owner)
REQUEST: Variance to construct a 61’ x 88’ addition to an existing shop within the 100’ centerline of the road setback. Proposed addition would be 70’ from the centerline of 100th St. SE.
LOCATION: NW ¼ except a piece starting in the NW corner going E 380’, then S 525’, then W 380’, then N 525’ and, except from the NW corner of the NW ¼ of Sect. 29, then E 1115 ft. to the point of beginning, then E 478’, S 438’, W 278’, S 149’, W 1314 ‘, then N 116’, then E 1115’, then N 471’ to the point of beginning in Section 29, T-120 N, R-38 W (Dublin Township) in Swift County, MN.
All interested persons may appear and be heard at said place and time.
Dated: November 2, 2021
Scott Collins, Director
Swift County Environmental Services