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Benson, Minnesota
November 18, 2013
Chairperson C. Payne called the regular meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in the Senior High Media Center.  The following board members were present:  A. Abner, A. Pagel, C. Payne, G. Williams, Supt. Laumeyer
Members absent:   B. McGeary.   Also present:  D. Benson, M. Knutson, B. Johnson, P. Anderson, A. Geyer, J. McNeill, A. Hippe, D. Tatge and J. Reardon.
Additions to the Agenda:  Trades House under New Business.
Citizens Comments:  No one wished to address the board.
Routine Actions:
Approval of Minutes:  
Motion by A. Abner, seconded by A. Pagel to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2013 public meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by A. Pagel, seconded by G. Williams to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2013 regular  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by G. Williams, seconded by A. Abner to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2013 special meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Bills:  
Motion by A. Pagel, seconded by G. Williams to approve payment of bills and hand checks in the amount of $215,871.17 as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Payroll:
Motion by A. Abner, seconded by G. Williams to approve the October 18, 2013 payroll in the amount of $580,166.76 and the November 8, 2013 payroll for teacher’s retro pay in the amount of $10,132.29.  Motion carried unanimously.
Progress Reports:
K-4:  Brad Johnson reported the parent-teacher conferences went smoothly and $3,900 was raised during the book sale conducted during conferences.  The PTO/Site Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.  The Olweus bullying program kick-off was on November 6th with a video made by Traci Pahl and the t-shirt theme for this school year is “PEEPS:  Inside we’re all the same”. The first Trimester ends November 26th.  The Young Artists Conference in Marshall was attended by 24 students in grades 3-6.
5-12:  Mike Knutson reported on the successful parent-teacher conferences.  The Veteran’s Day program was well done with a great message from the speaker on the importance of volunteering.  The musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, was fantastic.  We are testing various chrome books and are considering ebooks for the library.  
Financial Report:  Dave Benson reported the Business Office is preparing to finalize the levy on December 10th at the Truth in Taxation Meeting and the budget process will start shortly after that.
Superintendent:  Dennis Laumeyer reported $16,694 was received from FEMA for repairs after the June storm.  The winter MSBA Conference will be held on January 16-17.  He also reported on the Accountability 2.0 changes to help streamline developing goals and the process involved.  We have updated our website and added Facebook and Twitter which have been great tools to get information out quickly to parents and students.

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