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October 15, 2013
    Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 11:00 AM with all members present as well as County Administrator Mike Pogge-Weaver, County Auditor Kim Saterbak, County Attorney Robin Finke, and Payroll Officer/General Assistant Amanda Ness.
Chairman Fox pointed out that there was an addition to the Consent Agenda for the Woodland Centers contract.  
10-15-13-01 Commissioner Klemm moved and Commissioner Peterson seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.
10-15-13-02 Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the Consent Agenda which consisted of the Regular Session and Executive Session Board Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2013 and the approval of the Woodland Centers contract.  Motion carried unanimously.
The board reviewed the Commissioner warrants and no questions or comments were made.
10-15-13-03 Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Klemm seconded to approve the Commissioner warrants as follows: Revenue: $136,197.85; Solid Waste: $32,755.05; County Ditches: $17,040.43; State Fund Agency: $12.00; and Road and Bridge: $270,779.79 which includes the following bills over $2,000: Alternative Micrographics, $15,476.43; Central Specialties Inc, $176,168.20; Claussen Properties Inc, $5,993.93; CNH, $38,782.06; Comm of Finance, $2,438.00; Computer Professionals Inc, $5,437.61; Domat’s Family Foods, $5,221.81; Duininck Inc, $48,482.90; Clifford W Emmert, $2,732.75; Fairview Logistics, $7,152.50; Holiday Fleet, $2,283.59; Kandiyohi County Sheriffs Dept, $2,025.00; Lyle Signs Inc, $27,235.13; Ron Ringquist, $4,686.40; Royal Tire Inc, $3,967.74; Soil Conservation Office, $11,250.00; Swift County Monitor News, $3,634.65; University of Minnesota, $17,419.50; Yellow Medicine County Highway, $4,182.04; Ziegler Inc, $31,852.04.  Motion carried unanimously.
Board and Committee Reports were given as follows: Chairman Fox reported on Woodland Centers, Restorative Justice, Policy Committee, and the Southwestern Mental Health Consortium.  Commissioner Klemm reported on SCEMO and the health insurance meeting.  Commissioner Peterson gave an update on the Community Action Council as there was no meeting, Supporting Hands Nurse and Family Partnership, 6W Corrections, and the Policy Committee meeting. Commissioner Rudningen reported on SCEMO.  Commissioner Hendrickx reported on Woodland Centers, SPCC, Prairie Waters, and Planning and Zoning.
Administrator Pogge-Weaver updated the board on the possible repercussions of the government shutdown, the health insurance meetings, and SCEMO.
Superintendent Dennis Laumeyer, of Benson Public Schools, gave the board an update on the school’s upcoming levy referendum.
Environmental Services Director Scott Collins brought to the board Conditional Use Permit #4381 for Claussen Properties, Inc., owner, and Wade Larson, purchaser, to construct a commercial powder coating facility.  Director Collins pointed out that there was no opposition at the meeting, there were no conditions changed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the previously submitted variance was withdrawn, and Torning Township approved of the permit.
10-15-13-04 Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Peterson seconded to approve Conditional Use Permit #4381.  Motion carried unanimously.
Director Collins also brought Conditional Use Permit #4384 for Cargill, Inc to operate an agronomy center. He said there was also no opposition to this permit, the Planning and Zoning Commission did not change any conditions, and although there was no approval from the township there was also no opposition from them.
10-15-13-05 Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Peterson seconded to approve Conditional Use Permit #4384.  Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Pogge-Weaver stated that the Policy Committee has been meeting to review county policies and have started by picking out the policies most needing updating and then will start from the beginning and work through all of the policies.  The committee has revised the Employment Practices Policy 201.401-201.408 and the Purchasing and Contract Protocol and Authority Policy 502 and is recommending approval by the board of the revised policies.  Revisions include allowing the Administrator to approve hiring of positions other than department heads and the Administrator position, streamlining the purchasing process, and increasing limits for department heads and the County Administrator.
10-15-13-06 Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Klemm seconded to approve the revised versions of the Employment Practices and Purchasing and Contract Protocol and Authority Policies.  Motion carried unanimously.

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