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June 18, 2013
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM with all members present as well as County Administrator Mike Pogge-Weaver, County Auditor Kimberly Saterbak, Payroll Officer/General Assistant Amanda Ness and guests.
Chairman Fox asked if there were any additions to the Agenda. County Administrator Pogge-Weaver asked that the board add 1) a resolution concerning the Swift County Benson Hospital bond; and 2) a presentation by Jacquie Larson on two grants for the Restorative Justice program; and 3) an update from Jen Frost and Vicki Syverson on the Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) grant.

06-18-13-01 Commissioner Klemm moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the agenda with the additions.  Motion carried unanimously.
06-18-13-02 Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda which consisted of the Board Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2013, approval of 2013-2014 Tobacco License Renewals, approval of 2012 Ag Inspector’s Report, approval of a contract with Driessen Water Inc (Culligan of Benson) for Water Softener Services at Swift Falls Park, and approval of a resolution approving issuance of bonds by Swift County – Benson Hospital. Motion carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the Auditor and Commissioner warrants and no questions or comments were made by the board.
06-18-13-03 Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Klemm seconded to approve the Commissioner warrants as follows: Revenue: $117,574.77; Solid Waste: $34,273.62; Road and Bridge: $62,385.31; Revolving Loan Fund: $42,183.62; Welfare and Human Services, $83.58; Ditches: $3,118.47; Upper Minnesota Watershed: $6,847.13; Region 6 West Agency: $36,177.24; and Townships and Cities Agencies: $2,437,332.15 which includes the following bills over $2,000: Amoco Food Shop, $2,622.11; Ascheman Oil, $5,56.34; Clifton Larson Allen LLP, $8,000.00; CPUI, $4,892.35; Craig’s Inc, $3,421.09; Kandiyohi County, $2,000.00; Marsden Building Maintenance LLC, $4,140.34; Midstates Hydraulic & Machine Inc, $3,097.41; Northside Automotive Supply, $3,950.80; Pflipsen Trucking, $11,7456.40; Pioneerland Library System, $28,312.50; Swanston Equipment, $36,123.75; Swift County Benson Hospital, $2,346.35; Swift County Highway Department, $2,843.00; Swift County HRA, $61,498.69; Swift County Monitor News, $2,587.43; Swift County RDA, $42,183.62; Treasurer, Appleton Township, $37,123.50; Treasurer, Benson Township, $22,774.72; Treasurer, Camp Lake Township, $30,015.61; Treasurer, Cashel Township, $46,198.45; Treasurer, City of Appleton, $645,206.39; Treasurer, City of Benson, $534,741.17; Treasurer, City of Clontarf, $41,288.09; Treasurer, City of Danvers, $36,123.79; Treasurer, City of Degraff, $9,547.94; Treasurer, City of Holloway, $96,086.65; Treasurer, City of Kerkhoven, $153,978.42; Treasurer, City of Murdock, $62,362.36; Treasurer, Clontarf Township, $44,350.93; Treasurer, Dublin Township, $41,470.41; Treasurer, Edison Township, $35,084.44; Treasurer, Fairfield Township, $23,316.26; Treasurer, Hayes Township, $44,238.84; Treasurer, Hegbert Township, $30,525.73; Treasurer, Kerkhoven Township, $38,550.12; Treasurer, Kildare Township, $31,822.18; Treasurer, Marysland Township, $34,308.29; Treasurer, Moyer Township, $31,672.86; Treasurer, Pillsbury Township, $57,733.73; Treasurer, Shible Township, $21,893.53; Treasurer, Six Mile Grove Township, $30,692.81; Treasurer, Swenoda Township, $54,873.11; Treasurer, Tara Township, $38,964.21; Treasurer, Torning Township, $48,719.52; Treasurer, West Bank Township, $52,252.72; Tyler Technologies, Inc, $3,743.42; Upper MN River Watershed District, $6,847.13; Upper MN Valley RDC, $42,345.74; Waste Management of Northern Minnesota, $17,341.55; Yellow Medicine County Jail, $10,298.69; and the Auditor warrants as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Restorative Justice Coordinator, Jacquie Larson, gave a presentation to the board on two grants that she is applying for totaling $262,000.  The grants would help to purchase Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) used to help track Juvenile offenders through five different data sources from Restorative Justice, Human Services, the court system, and the County Attorney’s office and offer additional training to have a stronger partnership with Law Enforcement and Human Services.

HRA Director, Vicki Syverson, and RDA Director, Jen Frost, gave an update to the board on the SCDP grant. The Benson, Murdock, and Kerkhoven grants were all awarded.  Murdock and Kerkhoven grant monies are for residential owner-occupied homes and commercial properties, with a maximum amount for commercial of $40,000 each. Benson received grant monies for 24 owner-occupied homes in the targeted area and five rental properties.  All applicants filled out an intent to participate form, the next step is to do environmental scans on each property which Jen will be doing, then a meeting will be held where Vicki will explain the rules of the program.  Jen also mentioned an RFP for infrastructure and outreach assistance for the new Minnesota Healthcare Exchange that is rolling out in October. She is going to have a meeting with Public Health and Human Services on Thursday to discuss it further and invited any board member that wanted more information about it to attend.

Board and Committee Reports were given as follows: Chairman Fox reported on Restorative Justice, Woodland Centers, Pomme de Terre River Association, and Private Industry Council. Commissioner Klemm reported on the Safety Committee meeting and the Government Group meeting.  Commissioner Peterson reported on 6W Corrections and the HRA.  Commissioner Rudningen reported on the Glacial Ridge Scenic Byway.  Commissioner Hendrickx also reported on 6W Corrections and Woodland Centers.
Administrator Pogge-Weaver reported on the budget kickoff meeting held with the department heads and said that they are now working on their portions of the budget which should be turned in by July 1st and will be followed up with one-on-one meetings with the department heads.  He also reported that the HVAC walk thru had taken place and said that he will be bringing the options to the board at the next meeting.

Administrator Pogge-Weaver asked the board to consider approving a contract for professional services to complete an Employee Classification and Compensation Study for the County.  He is recommending Springsted’s bid as they are currently collecting data for five other Minnesota counties which would help meet our timeline and they use an approach that includes the supervisors and the staff.  
06-18-13-04 Commissioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to accept the bid from Springsted of $28,500 plus reimbursable expenses up to $1,800 to complete the Employee Classification and Compensation Study.  Motion carried unanimously.
Auditor Saterbak and County Assessor Wane Knutson explained the Property Tax process, from the property assessment to the final taxation, to the board.  They discussed the Property Tax Administrator’s manual, deadlines, exclusions and calculation components, and Property Tax Values vs Tax Capacity.   
06-18-13-05 Commissioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.   
 Meeting adjourned at 7:03 PM
Joe Fox, Chair
Michel Pogge-Weaver, County Administrator

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