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Benson, Minnesota
May 20, 2013
Chairperson J. Guest called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.  The following board members were present:  J. Guest, B. McGeary, A. Pagel, C. Payne, S. Claussen, S. Vergin, G. Williams, Supt. Westrum
Members absent:  None.  Also present:  D. Benson, D. Laumeyer. B. Johnson.  Audience:  B. Duncan, J. Ahrndt, J. Rittenour and R. Murray.
Additions to the Agenda:  None
Citizens Comments:  5th grade students A. Lundebrek, A. Ilstrup and A. Bjerke spoke on behalf of saving the Arts and FACS programs.
Routine Actions
Approval of Minutes:  Motion by B. McGeary, seconded by C. Payne to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2013 regular meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by C. Payne, seconded by B. McGeary to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2013 special meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Bills:  Motion by B. McGeary, seconded by C. Payne to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $439,767.86.  Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Payroll:  Motion by C. Payne, seconded by S. Vergin to approve the April 19, 2013 in the amount of $615,287.41.  Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Personnel Matters:    Motion by B. McGeary, seconded by S. Claussen to accept the resignation of Dennis Forbord, bus driver, effective June 7, 2013.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by B. McGeary, seconded by S. Vergin to accept the resignation of Dennis Laumeyer, 75% High School Principal, effective June 30, 2013 to begin duties as Superintendent (75%) and Principal (25%) on July 1, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by A. Pagel, seconded by G. Williams to approve the Superintendent contract for Dennis Laumeyer as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.
Progress Reports:
K-4:  B. Johnson’s report included an enrollment update.  NWEA Math tests will be the week of May 20th for grades 2-4, completing the spring tests for all students.  On May 5-6 Target will be filming a commercial/promotional ad using Mr. Ebnet and his 2nd grade students for the next “Give with Target” promotion as they were impressed that a community our size finished third in the nation during last year’s campaign with the support that was generated. Thank you to the Willmar Stingers for sponsoring the reading program again this year.  Pizza with the Principal was on May 17th.  The Wagon Parade will take place June 7th at 1:30 p.m.  Northside field days will be May 28th and 29th.
5-12:  D. Laumeyer reported the 7th graders took their annual trip to Washington, DC in April.  Thanks to Barb Schwarz for organizing her 20th trip.  The 7-12 Master Schedule for 2013-2014 is being fine tuned.  Students will be taking the Olweus Bullying Program survey.  This data will help determine specific needs.  Senior Scholarship & Awards Banquet is May 20th.  Last day for seniors is May 30th with graduation practice on May 31st.  Graduation is June 2nd at 2:00 p.m.  Jessica Mooberry and Meghan Osterbauer are the speakers.  
Financial Report: D. Benson reported a 14% increase in health insurance rates.  
Superintendent’s Report:  Supt. Westrum reported 1.5% general education formula increase from the state for the next two years and all day kindergarten will be funded for 2015.  Current enrollment is 884.  Capital spending projections were shared.  Lee also reported a school bus was sold for $1,800 on Craig’s List and the food service department is running in a deficit.
Old Business
Strategic Plan:  The Strategic Plan was shared.
New Business
Unrequested Leave of Absence Resolutions:  
At the May 20, 2013 regular school board meeting, Member B. McGeary introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:

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