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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 777, Benson, Minnesota Monday, September 13, 2021 – 5:30 p.m. Northside Elementary School Cafeteria

The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chair Brian Samuelson.  Members present:  Brian Samuelson, Bill McGeary, Gary Williams, Paul Carruth, Mary KW Langan and James Berens.  Members absent:  Eric Peterson.  Also present: Dennis Laumeyer, Mike Knutson, Garrett Schmidt, Katie Foley, Lori Eix, Reed Anfinson, Eric Ose, Aimee Thalberg, Crystal Erickson, Joyce Walstad, Mike Felt, Abby Ver Steeg.
Addition to Agenda:  Item 6.4 Approval of Personnel.
Agenda Approved.
New teachers introduced.
No Citizens Comments.
Consent Agenda approved.
Approved Resolution 2021-11 Fund Transfer in the amount of $19,920.83 from Fund 06 Construction Fund to Fund 07 Debt Service in accordance with the bond documents.
Progress Reports presented by administrators.
No Board Committee Reports.
Approved 2021-2023 Master Agreement.
Strategic Planning:  A pilot survey will be sent to board members to complete and discuss the draft survey at the October board meeting.
500 Policy Series:  This is the first reading on Policies 523, 524, 524FRM, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 529FRM, 530, 530FRM, 531, 532, 535, 535FRM based on changes recommended by MSBA to meet law.
Fund Transfer Finance Code 317:  Approved Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfer Resolution No. 2021-07 in the amount of $371,634.77 from fund 01-441-014 to 017 (Basic Skills) to fund 01-422-000 (Unassigned).
Fund Transfer Finance Code 309:  Approved Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfer Resolution No. 2021-08 in the amount of $27,028 from fund 01-459-001 (Basic Skills Extended Time) to fund 01-422-000 (Unassigned).  
Fund Transfer Finance Code 388:  Approved Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfer Resolution No. 2021-09 in the amount of $60,152.11 from fund 01-438-000 (Gifted and Talented) to fund 01-422-000 (Unassigned).
Fund Transfer Finance Code 303:  Approved Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfer Resolution No. 2021-10 in the amount of $44,482.54 from fund 01-434-000 (Area Learning Center - ALC) to fund 01-422-000 (Unassigned).
SWWC Board of Directors:  The board passed a Resolution Nominating Brian Samuelson as a Candidate for the Board of Directors of the SWWC Service Cooperative.
Donations Approved:  Discovery Kids: $187.36 Anonymous; Benson Athletics: $25 Lilla (Forbord) Talge – In Memory of Kris Gulsvig; Agnes & Esther Vogel Scholarship: $1,500 Eileen Sytsma; Craig Johnson Scholarship: $50 Karen & Mike Ylinen; Performing Arts Center Fund: $20 Leslie Honebrink; Weightroom: $250 Mark Frank Insurance; $500 Lange Associates; $300 Northside Automotive; $150 State Bank of Danvers; $1,500 Glacial Plains; $1,000 Co-Op Credit Union
Future Meetings:
Special School Board Meeting – Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 7:30 a.m., BHS Conference Room
Regular School Board Meeting – Monday, October 11, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Northside Elementary Cafeteria
Negotiations Strategy:  The board discussed the process for a new superintendent contract.  The Administrative Committee will meet with the superintendent and bring a contract proposal to the board.
Meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
Mary KW Langan, Clerk

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