Mini Tennis Camp Held

It's summer, and that means it's time for sports camps!
Pictured are participants of a Mini Tennis Camp last Monday through Thursday at the high school courts. Pictured below are participants in the Level I group (grades K-4).
In front from left to right are Jack Cook, Joseph Ascheman, and Joseph Wilcox. Sitting -- Hazel Habben, Blakely Koenig, Carly Tolifson, and Mariah Goossen. Back row -- coach Kelsey Rajewsky, Cooper Koenig, Kale Wrobleski, Grace Nagler, Julia Claussen, Gwendolyn Wilcox, Micah Schwiderski, and coach Joey Fragodt.
Not pictured were coaches Aaron Szczur, Abby Fragodt, and John Fragodt.
Camper of the Day winners were Hazel Habben, Micah Schwiderski, Carly Tolifson, Gwendolyn Wilcox, and Kale Wrobelski.
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