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KMS baseball team improves to 4-0 overall

The KMS baseball team outscored its three opponents 38-3 last week on the way to winning three games and improving to 4-0 for the season.  The Saints beat Tracy Area last Tuesday (10-0) and then topped Lakeview, Thursday (15-1) Monday, Friday (23-2).
Isaac Rudningen went 3-for-3 during the win over Tracy, while Brody Forsell was 2-for-3 with a grandslam homerun and eight RBI during the victory over Lakeview, and Alex Call and Forsell both had six RBI during the win over Montevideo, a game in which Devon Swanson also had a two-run homer.
The pace of the schedule doesn’t slow down this week as KMS was set to play at RCW, Monday, at Canby, Tuesday (yesterday) and at home against Lac qui Parle, Thursday (tomorrow)....
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