Discovery Kids reopening Jan. 20 with limited spots

New School Board Member Angela Nissen discusses the options for restarting the Discovery Kids program with the school district’s financial staff and fellow board members at Monday nights board meeting. At the tables with her, are from left, Paul Carruth, Jim Berens, Bill McGeaery, Brian Samuelson, Melissa Wrobleski, and Gary Williams, along with Supt. Dennis Laumeyer.
By Reed Anfinson
Benson’s Discovery Kids Program will open again Monday, Jan. 20, with a reduced number of slot available for kids, District 777 Supt. Dennis Laumeyer told the board of education at Monday night’s meeting.
It was shut down Jan. 6 due to staffing and financial issues, for the program that serves infants, toddlers, pre-school children and school-age children needing a place before it officially starts and after the school day ends. It was stated the closure could affect as many as 76 families and 30 businesses with workers whose children receive child care through the program
More than 100 children are involved in the Discovery Kids programs.
With the planned restart, emails were to be sent to parents of children who have been in the program, or families expressing an interest in it, on the reopening. There were to be 42 openings for children based on the available staff. Availability in the program will be given on a first-come-first-served basis.
However, there will be limitations on each age groups taken due to staffing requirement.
A significant jump in the costs of children enrolled in the Discovery Kids program was temporarily delayed, but still the cost is rising high enough immediately where it will be a challenge for some families.
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