Farmers taking in a record crop

Nearly perfect growing conditions this crop season is leading to record yields throughout Minnesota.
Former University of Minnesota Extension Agent Kent Thiesse writes in this week’s column on Page 7A that the USDA is estimating the 2015 Minnesota corn yield at a record level of 184 bushels per acre.
The 2015 Minnesota anticipated corn yield is well above the final 2014 average state corn yield of 156 bushels per acre, and 160 bushels per acre in 2013. The previous record corn yield was 177 bushels per acre in 2010.
The USDA Report estimated the 2015 Minnesota soybean yield at a record level of 48 bushels per acre, which compares to 41.5 bushels per acre in 2014 and 42.0 bushels per acre in 2013, Thiesse, who is now a vice president with MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, writes. The previous state record average yield was 45 bushels per acre in 2010.