Duncan, Helms go 0-2 at state tennis tourney
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Hannah Helms and Elise Duncan competed at the State Girls Tennis Tournament last week at the Read-Sweatt Tennis Center in Minneapolis.
Helms, a senior, and Duncan, a sophomore, played singles for the entire regular-season before switching over to doubles for the postseason.
Helms and Duncan went 4-0 at the Section 3A Tourney to win the doubles’ title and become the third doubles’ team at Benson or Benson-KMS to earn a trip to state.
At state, the Benson-KMS duo lost both of their matches in straight sets to end their seasons. Helms finished the year with a team-best 15-12 record playing mostly second singles, while Duncan was 7-19 this season at first singles. ....
Picutre is BHS tennis player Hannah Helms